English working paper on current research results
Can modern mobile access networks substitute FTTH access? The study investigates this question by applying two bottom-up access network models for…
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem of pornographic websites, including their business models, market structure and user…
Despite recognizing cyber threats, many German companies struggle with effective defence strategies. Using an Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT), we…
This paper examines how dynamic personal pricing and externality cost incentives interact and affect
energy conservation behaviors using an online…
We analyze pricing patterns and effects of pricing algorithms in two market segments for OTC-drugs in Germany based on an extensive hourly dataset of…
Transmission of broadband telecommunications is limited using existing in-buildung infrastructure. We show and discuss ways out of this dilemma.
In this paper, we analyze how wholesale access fees of a crucial input can be utilized to influence demands for products of different technologies and…
We provide an statistical-based model capable of explaining 95% of the geographical differences in fibre-based access network costs solely on the…
By applying the Spokes model of spatial competition, we analyse the effect of the regulated copper access fee on customer-sided migration towards…
Europe-wide overview of the diffusion and use of parcel locker stations, including an outlook for Germany.
Based on an online laboratory experiment, this project analyzes the effects of ad-blocking on the information acquisition of Internet users and…