All news from the Institute at a glance - Current publications, events, the WIK Newsletter and ongoing research results in one place.
Postal, parcel and express service providers, regulators and researchers met at the 21st Königswinter Postal Seminar to discuss the future of the…
Many small and medium-sized companies are looking for guidance and are unsure what they need to do to use AI successfully. The study ‘AI and AI…
In the context of ecologic sustainability reporting telecommunications providers have to consider complex and extensive rules and standards. The…
BIPT publishes updated study on bpost’s intangible benefits from the Universal Service Obligation.
The German fibre-optic market is in a challenging situation. Despite an intensification of the roll-out dynamics, take-up rates for FTTB/H connections…
The white paper analyses the environmental impact of telecommunications networks in Greece with a focus on climate targets and sustainable practices.…
The decline in letter volumes poses significant challenges for universal postal service. What potential impacts will these developments have on the…
Can modern mobile access networks substitute FTTH access? The study investigates this question by applying two bottom-up access network models for…
Over the past decade, cross-border online trade to the EU has grown strongly, particularly from China, thanks to platforms such as Shein and Temu. The…
How can competition in the market look like in the future fibre world, once the race for fibre roll-out has ended and fibre coverage targets have been…
The report presents a methodological approach to investigate the relevance and impact of video streaming services from Content and Application…
Cloud computing offers many advantages for public administrations. Sharing resources in the cloud enables needs-based, flexible use and rapid scaling…