Individual research results with different focal points
How can competition in the market look like in the future fibre world, once the race for fibre roll-out has ended and fibre coverage targets have been…
The report presents a methodological approach to investigate the relevance and impact of video streaming services from Content and Application…
The study analyses the views of German consumers on generative AI, its use and risk perception in various sectors. Another focus is on the perception…
Data is the key to digital innovation - The Data Act is intended to strengthen SMEs by reorganising data sharing. The Data Act offers opportunities…
AI applications offer great potential for local authorities to fulfil tasks more efficiently and improve the quality of life in cities and…
The ban of Zero Rating resulted in a significant increase on the included not earmarked data volumes of the corresponding tariffs.
The study analyses the price development for different user groups (low, medium and high users) and for one gigabyte of data in different price…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a driver of innovation for many companies - but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often not yet fully…
This Research Brief highlights current developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The advantages and challenges of AI implementation…
The German-speaking Community in East Belgium (DG) is one of the three language communities in Belgium with 80,000 inhabitants spread across 40,000…
This short paper analyses in more detail the issue of pricing of access to in-building wiring.
This policy brief looks at developments in the debate on termination charges, with a particular focus on the arguments of the stakeholders involved,…