All news from the Institute at a glance - Current publications, events, the WIK Newsletter and ongoing research results in one place.
In the context of the European Green Deal, WIK-Consult examines different migration scenarios to fibre optic connections and their effects on the…
By switching off 2G, frequencies can be used more efficiently for 4G/5G. Even more comprehensive LTE coverage by all mobile network operators is…
Despite recognizing cyber threats, many German companies struggle with effective defence strategies. Using an Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT), we…
The BNetzA's broad-based NEST process (Networks. Efficient. Secure. Transformed.) offers the opportunity to correct weaknesses in the general X-factor…
The study analyses the price development for different user groups (low, medium and high users) and for one gigabyte of data in different price…
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a driver of innovation for many companies - but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often not yet fully…
The transformation of the postal sector toward ecological sustainability is one of the biggest challenges for service providers. A study by…
This final report summarises the results and findings from the pilot project on copper switch-off and migration to fibre in the network of Deutsche…
Based on interviews, website sweeps and literature, we concluded that despite existing rules, it is still difficult for consumers to make an informed…