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With a systematic analysis we study the role of access regulation as well as supply and demand side factors on the individual market performance of…
Multi-sided markets create new challenges for competition and regulatory authorities. Traditional norms for competitive and welfare maximising prices…
Consumers‘ move to OTT service is less about like-for-like substitution than an evolution in their behaviour
The study examines empirically the changes in the voice traffic volume growth in mobile communications and between fixed and mobile networks due to…
German parcel operators are extending their parcel shop networks significantly. They compete for locations and operators, especially in rural areas.…
Is it still worth investing in power plants? The consideration of capacity mechanisms in different countries shows how the problem of the "missing…
The discussion paper focuses on state aid funded broadband infrastructure projects and the associated open access requirement. The paper gives special…
Impact of ULL Prices on FTTH Investment empirically robust. Impact is non-linear: Positive Impact at low ULL Prices, negative Impact at high ULL…
Roaming regulation in Europe has lead to significant price decreases. However, competitive structures remained underdeveloped. In 2012, “structural…
The WIK Discussion Paper discusses approaches for delineating different product markets in the German CEP sector, e.g. separate markets for deferred…
Spectrum Management Agencies switch to transparent, objective, non-discriminatory spectrum fee regimes to set the right incentives for an efficient…
Market organisation and market reality of M2M-communication regarding smart industry and the allocation of IPv6 numbers - WIK Discussion Paper