Acceleration of broadband network roll-out © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

Acceleration of broadband network roll-out

Study for the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport develops recommendations for a faster roll-out of mobile and fixed broadband networks.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport, WIK-Consult has investigated how suitable framework conditions may accelerate the roll-out of mobile and fixed broadband networks. To this end, we have analysed ten case studies and conducted expert interviews with stakeholders in order to identify best practices and recommendations for measures which can be applied to other network roll-out projects. Building on a detailed analysis of the procedural steps and the legal framework we  identify the typical challenges of infrastructure roll-out. On the basis of best practice examples, we then address acceleration potentials and solutions to overcome the identified challenges. Finally, we derive recommendations for the roll-out of mobile and fixed network infrastructure and refer to measures that have already been implemented or are in preparation.

The study (only in German language) is available for download.