The German Administration Cloud (DVC) is well on its way to making cloud services available to all levels of government in Germany. An open, standardized and transparent architecture is a key component of the DVC. The services can be integrated by all stakeholders who meet the requirements.
Municipal IT service providers are also on their way to the cloud. They are involved in the German Administration Cloud and, as cloud integrators, will make the offerings of private providers accessible. The benefits of SaaS solutions for local authorities include greater reliability, compliance higher IT security and, not least, partial compensation for the shortage of IT specialists. When tasks are outsourced, the requirements for on-site IT staff change.
The example of "RathausCloud", a merger of 15 towns and municipalities from Saxony to form a cooperative, shows how cloud solutions enable the digitalisation of administrative services at low cost, even for the smallest municipalities. Citizens benefit from uncomplicated digital access to various administrative processes, resulting in shorter processing times and a reduction in administrative workload.
Cloud solutions are part of the IT strategy of large cities and their greater flexibility makes it possible, for example, to respond quickly to changing requirements or challenges. However, this does not mean that all data must or should be migrated to the cloud.
40 local government digital transformation experts participated in the WIK workshop as part of the research project. The path to the cloud as an important part of the IT infrastructure of public administrations has been taken, and the many possibilities of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are far from exhausted.
- Nicolas Hagemann, Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Digitalisierung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Die Deutsche Verwaltungscloud
- Daniel Sieberath, VITAKO, Sichere und souveräne Cloud-Löungen für Kommunen
- Bürgermeister Thomas Pöge, Gemeinde Thallwitz und Michael Kubach, beratungsraum, Rathaus Cloud – Effiziente Verwaltung für alle modernen Kommunen
- Rena Wißmeier, KGSt, Cloud Computing, Das Potenzial von Cloud-Computing für Kommunen entdecken
- Michael Knipprath, Stadt Köln, Erfahrungen mit der „Cloud“, Köln in Wolke 7
- Annette Hillebrand und Jana Stuck, WIK, Erfolgsfaktoren für Cloud-Computing in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Einführung und erste Ergebnisse