Cross-border e-commerce and delivery services © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

Cross-border e-commerce and delivery services

WIK-Consult conducts a comprehensive market study for the European Commission (DG GROW) to explore developments and trends in supply of and demand for delivery solutions in the context of cross-border e-commerce.

E-commerce and particularly cross-border e-commerce dynamically grows around the world. In Europe, however, the extent to which consumers buy from other countries, and the significance of exports for e-retailers vary substantially among EU Member States. E-commerce plays a central role for the European Union’s objective, to ensure that all citizens and companies have the same opportunities to access the Digital Single Market.

Following an initiative of the European Parliament, DG GROW commissioned WIK-Consult with a study on the ‘development of cross-border e-commerce through parcel delivery’. The study results will inform the discussion of the European Commission and the European Parliament (as well as stakeholders) on potential future initiatives and measures to promote cross-border e-commerce. Finally, the study will provide input for the evaluation reports to be prepared by DG GROW on the regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services, and the application of the Postal Services Directive.

In the study, WIK-Consult analyses

Further topics include regulatory aspects, employment and working conditions and sustainability in the context of delivery services.

Major elements of the study include:

At a public workshop organised by the European Commission in March 2018 WIK-Consult introduced the study to industry stakeholders. On September 19th, 2018 WIK-Consult presented first results, particularly of the European consumer survey, and indicative conclusions of their study to European stakeholders in Brussels. An assessment of EU parcel delivery markets was presented on 28 November 2018 at a stakeholder forum organised by the ERGP.

The study is expected to be finalised in spring 2019.