Evaluation of the broadband initiative bmvit 2015/16 © Photo Credit: lassedesignen - stock.adobe.com

Evaluation of the broadband initiative bmvit 2015/16

WIK and its Austrian partner WIFO have evaluated the first phase (2015/16) of the Austrian broadband State aid Program. The results of the evaluation have been presented in June 2017.

WIK and its Austrian partner WIFO have evaluated the first phase (2015/16) of the Austrian broadband State Aid Program on behalf of the infrastructure ministry bmvit. The results of the evaluation have been presented in Parliament and for the general public in June 2017. 

The broadband State Aid Program is part of the masterplan of the Austrian broadband strategy. Public funds are provided in three programs: Access, Backhaul and Ducts. Focal point of the evaluation was the implementation of the masterplan so far, in particular the contribution of the State Aid to close the gap in NGA coverage. Furthermore, the evaluation focused on the program design of the various programs and the implementation efficiency of the support measures. As part of the evaluation we have proposed more than 30 proposals for reform as well as proposals for the further development of the Austrian broadband strategy.

The study (in German language) is available for download.






  • Dr. Thomas Plückebaum
  • Dr. Karl-Heinz Neumann