Migration from copper to fibre networks: Phases and processes of copper migration (No. 483) © Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke - stock.adobe.com

Migration from copper to fibre networks: Phases and processes of copper migration (No. 483)

Specification and formulation of the details of the process chain for migration and switching-off.


In its research activities, WIK supports the work and discussions of the “Gigabitforum” of the Federal Network Agency.

The paper “Specification and formulation of the details of the process chain for migration and switching-off” mainly focusses on a precise specification and formulation of the details of the process chain for migration and switching-off. For this purpose a previous phasing concept will be examined and further developed.

According to one major result of the study, the phase of voluntary migration (before an-nouncing a specific switch-off) of end-users and access seekers is decisive for an efficient and seamless process of forced migration and switch-off which also minimizes the potential conflicts inherent in such a process.

The study analyses the framework for switching-off and forced migration. Furthermore, it identifies altogether 16 topics which may cause potential bottlenecks for a speedy process of forced migration. The Federal Network Agency for instance, may give advice to market participants before they initiate a first formal procedure according to § 34 of the telecommunications act. Such advice may cover content and form of the switch-off plan. Such ex-ante advice may help to speed up the formal regulatory procedures. Significant advantages would also be associated with pilot projects which are common practice in countries characterized by advanced migration processes.

(only available in German)