OTT Services and Consumers’ Communication Behaviour in Germany © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

OTT Services and Consumers’ Communication Behaviour in Germany

Consumers favour Mobile Messenger Apps more and more. Our study analyses the reasons behind this new preference as well as its implications

Mobile Messenger Apps and innovative telephony services are changing consumers’ communication behaviour fundamentally. They offer significantly more functionalities to consumers. They can send text, picture and video messages to others or share them with a group of their contacts. For consumers switching to OTT communication services is like the switch from type-writer to PC. They will use WhatsApp and other services for texting, but what really attracts them is the wealth of possibilities beyond.

Read more about the reasons behind these changes in consumer behaviour and their implications for the telecommunication sector in our study. The study was conducted in cooperation with Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.

More information about the survey and additional analyses can be found in our Discussion Paper No. 409.


  • René Arnold