Alex Dieke presents European experience with postal privatizations at Rutgers Workshop in Washington D.C.
On Friday, 6 April 2012, a workshop on "Postal Reorganization" took place in Washington D.C. The event was organized by the CRRI Center for Research in Regulated Industries of Rutgers University (Newark, New Jersey), as a part of the "Advanced Workshops in Regulation and Competition" series.
The workshop discussed the future of the US Postal Service that currently faces substantial financial difficulty, as well as issues to be addressed in the next postal bill. Speakers included USPS’ current Deputy Postmaster General, a Commissioner of regulator PRC, and the USPS’ Inspector General.
WIK postal expert Alex Dieke, being the only speaker from overseas, presented European experience with privatizing postal administrations.
Pictures of the Workshop were posted on twitter by @grayhairadvisor (search #CRRI).
Presentation is available for download.