Digital applications as bandwidth drivers – what needs do SMEs have? © Photo Credit: putilov_denis -

Digital applications as bandwidth drivers – what needs do SMEs have?

Experts discuss the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses in a WIK Workshop

October 02, 2024

In the context of WIK’s research programme, a virtual workshop on “Digital applications as bandwidth drivers - what are the needs of SMEs?” was held on October 2. More than 40 representatives from public authorities, industry associations, network operators, SME-related multipliers and ICT providers discussed the importance of digital applications for SMEs and the specific needs of different user groups. 

In the course of the workshop, the different levels of development in various fields of application became apparent. For example, participants stressed that SMEs are already very interested in innovative solutions, e.g. based on AI, but for most companies other digitalization projects such as the implementation of ERP or electronic invoicing have a much higher priority in practice. Discussions referred to considerable differences between the user groups, which are not only due to the size of the companies and their economic sector, but can also be attributed to “soft factors”. During the workshop, various examples were presented and experiences exchanged that illustrate these aspects.