Discussion Papers© Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke - stock.adobe.com

Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


Implications of a nationwide fibre roll-out and its subsidy requirements (No. 359)

(full version only available in German)

Implications of a nationwide fibre roll-out and its subsidy requirements

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Medium-term market potential for high speed broadband access in Germany (No. 358)

(full version only available in German)

Medium-term market potential for high speed broadband access in Germany

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Incentive Regulation and the Return on Equity - IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive regulation with respect to smart grids (No. 357)

(full version only available in German)

Incentive Regulation and the Return on Equity

IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive regulation with respect to smart grids

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No 356: Strategic and Regulatory Aspects of Cooperation in Next Generation Access (NGA) projects

(full version only available in German)

Strategic and Regulatory Aspects of Cooperation in Next Generation Access (NGA) projects

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The significance of Bitstream for the German telecommunications marketplace (No. 355)

(full version only available in German)

The significance of Bitstream for the German telecommunications marketplace

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Electronic delivery services: products, business models, and regulatory implications (No. 354)

(full version only available in German)

Electronic delivery services: products, business models, and regulatory implications

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New regulatory approaches towards investments: a revision of international experiences; IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive regulation with respect to smart grids (No. 353)

(full version only available in German)

New regulatory approaches towards investments: a revision of international experiences; IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive…

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National Broadband Strategies and its Implications for Competition Policy and Regulation (No. 352)

(full version only available in German)

New Discussion Paper

National Broadband Strategies and its Implications for Competition Policy and Regulation

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Contribution of Alternative Wireless Solutions to Rural Broadband Coverage (No. 351)

Authors: Peter Stamm, Anne Stetter with contributions of Mario Erwig


One of the main objective of infrastructural policy is a complete…

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Symmetric regulation in line with the new regulatory framework of the European Union (No. 350)

(full version only available in German)

Symmetric regulation in line with the new regulatory framework of the European Union

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Regulation and investment incentives in economic theory. IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive regulation with respect to smart grids (No. 349)


In this paper, we survey from a theoretical point of view to what extend cost-based and incentive-based regulatory regimes stimulate…

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Delineation of rail transport markets – Economic principles and implementation in regulatory practice (No. 348)

Author: Gernot Müller


In order to recover total cost through rail access charges, rail infrastructure managers are permitted to levy…

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