Our classic publication format for research results
The Commission’s Recommendation practice in the light of particular national circumstances – especially considering the Relevant Markets…
The relevance of liberalisation and regulatory strategies for the development of long distance passenger rail transport in Germany, Sweden and Great…
Quality Factors in Postal Price Regulation
New spectrum auction designs : Methodologies and international experience
Implications of a nationwide fibre roll-out and its subsidy requirements
Medium-term market potential for high speed broadband access in Germany
Incentive Regulation and the Return on Equity
IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive regulation with respect to smart grids
Strategic and Regulatory Aspects of Cooperation in Next Generation Access (NGA) projects
The significance of Bitstream for the German telecommunications marketplace
Electronic delivery services: products, business models, and regulatory implications
New regulatory approaches towards investments: a revision of international experiences; IRIN working paper for working package: Advancing incentive…
New Discussion Paper
National Broadband Strategies and its Implications for Competition Policy and Regulation