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Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


Long-Run Incremental Cost and Price Determination in the Telecommunications Sector – under Special Consideration of Technical Change (No. 323)

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Long-Run Incremental Cost and Price Determination in the Telecommunications Sector – under Special Consideration of Technical…

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Performance of leading telecommunications carriers in Europe (No. 322)

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Performance of leading telecommunications carriers in Europe

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Smart Metering (No. 321)

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Smart Metering

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ICT, Growth and Productivity in the Energy Sector - on the Way to a Smart Grid (No. 320)

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ICT, Growth and Productivity in the Energy Sector - on the Way to a Smart Grid

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Customer protection and operator obligations in a liberalized letter market (No. 319)

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Customer protection and operator obligations in a liberalized letter market

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Is there a Place for Reserved Services? (Nr. 61)

Is there a place for Reserved Services?

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Measuring productivity and efficiency in the rail infrastructure sector - Methodology and assessment of productivity change for the German market (No. 318)

New Discussion Paper: Measuring productivity and efficiency in the rail infrastructure sector - Methodology and assessment of productivity change for…

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Efficiency of the German Electricity Wholesale Market – Analysis and Policy Implications (Nr. 317)

Nicole Angenendt , Christian Growitsch , Rabindra Nepal, Christine Müller

Dezember 2008

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Relevant cost elements of VoIP networks (No. 316)

Juan Rendon, Thomas Plückebaum, Iris Böschen

New Discussion Paper

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Strategien zur Realisierung von Quality of Service in IP-Netzen (No. 315)

Stephan Jay, Thomas Plückebaum

New Discussion Paper (only availabe in German language)

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Network Neutrality: Implications for Europe (No. 314)

Kenneth R. Carter, J. Scott Marcus, Christian Wernick

New Discussion Paper

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Market Structure and Competition in the German Fixed-Link Market: Status Quo and Trends (No. 313)

Discussion Paper

Market Structure and Competition in the German Fixed-Link Market: Status Quo and Trends

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