Discussion Papers© Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke - stock.adobe.com

Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


The future of fixed-line operators (No. 312)

Patrick Anell, Dieter Elixmann

New Discussion Paper (only in German language)

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Procedures for public procurement of universal services (No. 311)

Martin Zauner, Alex Kalevi Dieke, Torsten Marner, Antonia Niederprüm

New Discussion Paper

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Next Generation Core Networks: Access, Interconnection and Competition Policy (No. 310)

Patrick Anell, Stephan Jay, Thomas Plückebaum

New Diskussion Paper (only available in German language)

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Valuation and measurement of quality of service in the electricity supply industry (No. 309)

Matthias Wissner

New Discussion Paper (only available in German language)

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Ownership Unbundling of Transmission System Operators in the gas sector - economic theory and empirical evidence (No. 308)

New Discussion Paper: Ownership Unbundling of Transmission System Operators in the gas sector - economic theory and empirical evidence

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Broadband Wireless Access services in Germany - Recent developments and business models (No. 307)

Franz Büllingen, Christin-Isabel Gries, Peter Stamm

New Discussion Paper (only available in German language)

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Rebates on postal services from a competition policy perspective (No. 306)

Martin Zauner

New Diskussion Paper (only available in German language)

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Competitiveness of the storage market (No. 305)

Marcus Stronzik, Margarethe Rammerstorfer, Anne Neumann

New Discussion Paper (only available in German language)

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The implications of fixed to mobile substitution on the costs of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (No. 304)

Patrick Anell, Konrad Zoz

New Discussion Paper (only available in German language)

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On the competitive effects of the German Entry Exit System (No. 303)

Christian Growitsch, Margarethe Rammerstorfer

New Discussion Paper (only available in German language)

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Nachfrage nach Internetdiensten – Dienstearten, Verkehrseigenschaften und Quality of Service (Nr. 302)

Neuer Diskus: Nachfrage nach Internetdiensten – Dienstearten, Verkehrseigenschaften und Quality of Service

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Zur kostenbasierten Regulierung von Eisenbahninfrastrukturentgelten – Eine ökonomische Analyse von Kostenkonzepten und Kostentreibern, Dezember 2007 (Nr. 301)

Neuer Diskus: Zur kostenbasierten Regulierung von Eisenbahninfrastrukturentgelten – Eine ökonomische Analyse von Kostenkonzepten und Kostentreibern

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