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Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


Factors influencing the demand for residential FTTB/H connections (No. 509)

The situation in Germany and international experiences

In view of the dynamization of FTTB/H rollout and a difficult macroeconomic environment, the demand for fibre connections is increasingly becoming the…

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Resilience and sustainability as parameters of overall and forward-looking frequency regulation (No. 508)

Sustainability and resilience are two further aspects that may be important in shaping spectrum regulation in the future.

Ecological sustainability and resilience are two further aspects that could play a role in the future when it comes to designing frequency regulation…

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GovTechs in Germany, France and the UK (No. 507)

How do private providers of government technology support public administrations in their digital transformation? The study examines the German,…

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Open government data in Europe: data portals, stakeholders and measures (No. 506)

What is the status of open government data in Germany and what can we learn from other countries?

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Cooperative infrastructure for sustainable delivery: Carrier-agnostic parcel locker stations (No. 505)

Until recently, there were hardly any carrier-agnostic parcel locker stations in Germany. Other European countries are more developed in this regard.…

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International comparison of sectoral consumer protection (No. 504)

Comparison tools in the telecommunications and energy sector

In Germany and many other European countries there are a large number of comparison tools, especially in the telecoms and energy sectors. However,…

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Digital Identities as the foundation of Web 3.0 (No. 503)

The evolution of the World Wide Web is leading to an increased need for decentralised, self-managed digital identities, known as Self-Sovereign…

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ICT in the electricity distribution networks (No. 502)

Current status and outlook against the background of a sectoral data economy

The implementation of the energy transition will only be possible with increasing digitalization and data-driven applications and business models.…

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Artificial Intelligence with AutoML, Low-Code and No-Code (No. 501)

A Market Survey of Software Tools and their Use in SMEs

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is hampered by a lack of knowledge and skills. AutoML, low-code and no-code promise to solve these problems…

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Study on the robotics market (No. 500)

WIK analyses the impact of innovative digital technologies on the market for industrial robotics applications

Industrial robotics systems have played an important role for efficient production processes of large companies for several decades. Innovative…

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In-building infrastructure (No. 499)

A necessary step for the migration to FTTH

In this study on in-building infrastructure, we examine barriers to the roll-out and upgrade of in-building infrastructure to support high gigabit…

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Characteristics and performance of NGA technologies (No. 498)

Overview of today’s and future state of Next Generation Access networks

The changes occurring in the telecommunications access networks require high level of understanding at politicians and regulators, but also at…

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