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Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


Net costs of providing the universal service – methodology and comparison of access technologies (No. 516)

Companies that are obliged to provide universal telecommunications services at a fixed location are entitled to compensation for unreasonable net…

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Content moderation on online platforms (Nr. 515)

In this discussion paper, we examine the complex process of content moderation on online platforms and consider both the incentive structures of…

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Access charges in software-based termination monopolies (No. 514)

This discussion paper analyzes app access considerations & remuneration approaches within dominant ecosystems, focussing on access models like app…

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Provider and rollout strategies on the German fibre market (No. 513)

WIK publishes the results of a survey among fibre optic companies

The aim of the survey was to generate more in-depth insights into the companies that are expanding FTTB/H connections on the German broadband market.…

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The implementation of the economic replicability test (No. 512)

An international benchmark

In this study, we conducted an international benchmark for the application of ERT in Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia…

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Broadband demand and its socioeconomic determinants (No. 511)

This study examines which socio-economic factors are driving demand for fixed broadband access in Germany. The analysis aims at identifying indicators…

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Vouchers as a means of promoting broadband demand (No. 510)

WIK discussion paper provides an overview on international experiences

In some European member states, demand-oriented funding approaches are being practised in the broadband sector and the EU Commission is also referring…

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Factors influencing the demand for residential FTTB/H connections (No. 509)

The situation in Germany and international experiences

In view of the dynamization of FTTB/H rollout and a difficult macroeconomic environment, the demand for fibre connections is increasingly becoming the…

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Resilience and sustainability as parameters of overall and forward-looking frequency regulation (No. 508)

Sustainability and resilience are two further aspects that may be important in shaping spectrum regulation in the future.

Ecological sustainability and resilience are two further aspects that could play a role in the future when it comes to designing frequency regulation…

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GovTechs in Germany, France and the UK (No. 507)

How do private providers of government technology support public administrations in their digital transformation? The study examines the German,…

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Open government data in Europe: data portals, stakeholders and measures (No. 506)

What is the status of open government data in Germany and what can we learn from other countries?

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Cooperative infrastructure for sustainable delivery: Carrier-agnostic parcel locker stations (No. 505)

Until recently, there were hardly any carrier-agnostic parcel locker stations in Germany. Other European countries are more developed in this regard.…

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