Discussion Papers© Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke - stock.adobe.com

Discussion Papers

Our classic publication format for research results


360-degrees-overview on the current state of digitalization in SMEs (No. 480)

(full version only available in German)

What is the current state of digitalization in SMEs in Germany? What opportunities are relevant for SMEs and how can current challenges be addressed?

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The basic principles of 6G (No. 479)

(full version only available in German)

The future 6G cellular standard will usher in a new era, with billions of things and people generating and communicating a vast amount of digital…

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Open RAN and SDN/NFV: Perspectives, Options, Restrictions and Challenges (No. 478)

(full version only available in German)

Does everything stay different? Open RAN as new approach for radio access networks. The article discusses advantages and disadvantages of the Open RAN…

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Use of Blockchain in SMEs: Opportunities & Challenges (No. 477)

(full version only available in German)

The study uses an expert survey and SWOT analyses to examine the potential that blockchain holds for SMEs.

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The development of retail offers for residential customers on the German fixed-line market 2017-2020 (No. 476)

WIK Discussion Paper examines the price development of double-play tariffs for private end users at the largest German fixed network providers in the…

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Digital working environments in SMEs (No. 475)

(full version only available in German)

Digital transformation require active changes in the working culture. This is particularly challenging for SMEs. The paper presents studies and theses…

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Design and implementation of a universal service regime in other countries. (No. 474)

(full version only available in German)

The article presents the broadband universal service regimes in other countries. In addition to the European member states, the focus is on Great…

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Bottom up cost modelling and statistical analysis of NGA network costs (No. 473)

(full version only available in German)

In comparison to other countries NGA investment in Germany still lags behind. This paper investigates on profitability of FTTH rollout and funding…

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Cost saving potentials associated with Infrastructure Sharing in the context of 5G introduction (No. 472)

(full version only available in German)

The present study shines light on benefits and drawbacks of Infrastructure Sharing in the mobile market in the context of the beginning 5G roll-out…

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Consumer IoT in Germany – applications and possible need for regulation (No. 471)

(full version only available in German)

The number of connected products for end consumers rises continuously. The discussion paper at hand presents important fields of applications and…

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Impact of coverage obligations on mobile network coverage in the EU (No. 470)

(full version only available in German)

Mobile coverage is always subject of controversial political and technical discussions. Using econometric measurement methods, the impact on mobile…

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Cloud services and AI-as-a-Service – Current and potential application scenarios and market developments (No. 469)

This study captures the current market situation in the AI-as-a-Service market segment, identifies business strategies of the major providers and key…

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