Der flexible Verbraucher - Potenziale zur Lastverlagerung im Haushaltsbereich © Photo Credit: lassedesignen -

Der flexible Verbraucher - Potenziale zur Lastverlagerung im Haushaltsbereich

ENERGY: Study on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection (State of Baden-Württemberg) and the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy Economy (State of Baden-Württemberg)

On behalf of the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection (State of Baden-Württemberg) and the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy Economy (State of Baden-Württemberg) WIK examined the changing role of consumers in the context of the energy transition (Energiewende) and potentials that are available in the households for load control. First and foremost, consumers with larger applications (heat pumps, electric cars, etc.) can make a significant contribution to the integration of renewable energy into the energy system by providing flexibility. However, this requires appropriate incentives, such as a flexible EEG apportionment, variable retail tariff or a flexibility premium. In implementing these, it has to be to ensured that incentives do not work contrariwise when set by different actors (e.g., network operators and distribution companies). On the other hand, a corresponding elimination of obstacles is needed, in particular the passage of various regulations and further awareness of consumers.

The study (in German language) is available for download.