Thomas Schnöring
Entwicklungstrends auf den europäischen Telekommunikationsmärkten - Auf halbem Wege von monopolistischen nationalen zu wettbewerblichen internationalen Telekommunikationsmärkten
Nr. 102 / Dezember 1992 (leider vergriffen)
The old structures of national and monopolistic telecom markets came under enormous pressure for structural change. Liberalisation, privatisation and internationalisation are driving forces for the development in the carriers and services markets. Mobile cellular communication networks are in the forefront of this development in Europe. Most PTOs are pushing for internalisation, while regulatory asymmetries are shaping the course of this prozess. Increasing international competition and market penetration between industrialised countries characterise the structural change of the telecommunications equipment industry. The countries of the European Community have lost considerable market shares in the equipment market since 1980. This is particularly true for Germany. Patentindicators for R&D activities are signaling a further falling behind of European countries compared to the USA and Japan, particularly in the field of customers premises equipment.
Only German language version available.