Studies© Photo Credit: envfx -


Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Next Generation Networks (NGN)

Next Generation Networks (NGN)

Study for the European Parliament

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The Evolution of the European Postal Market since 1997

New WIK-Consult Study on "The Evolution of the European Postal Market since 1997" has been published

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The Role of Regulators in a More Competitive Postal Market

A new WIK-Consult Study on "The Role of Regulators in a More Competitive Postal Market" has been published

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New WIK-C study about Multi Fiber Broadband Networks

Economics of Next Generation Access - Addendum, the Multi Fiber Approach

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Interconnection in Next Generation Networks (NGNs)

Interconnection in Next Generation Networks (NGNs)

Study for the Peruvian Regulator OSIPTEL

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Separation of Telstra: Economic considerations, international experience

Separation of Telstra: Economic considerations, international experience

Study for the Australian Competitive Carriers' Coalition

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Demand for postal services by business customers

New WIK-C Study

Nachfrage nach Postdienstleistungen von Geschäftskunden

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Demand for postal services by business customers

New WIK-C Study

Nachfrage nach Postdienstleistungen von Geschäftskunden

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Jahresgutachten Mobilfunk

Im Mai 2008 wurde das vom Deutschen Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), der Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen und der WIK-Consult GmbH erstellte…

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Call-In-Gewinnspiele und ihre Realisierung

Im Auftrag der Kommission für Zulassung und Aufsicht der Landesmedienanstalten (ZAK) hat WIK-Consult ein Gutachten erstellt, in dem die…

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Universal Postal Service and the Postal Monopoly

The US Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) transmitted its report on Universal Postal Service and the Postal Monopoly to the President and Congress on…

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Study on the Telecommunications Market in Hessen

WIK-Consult has just finished a survey of telecommunications provider on behalf of the Hessian ministry of economics.

(Study only available in German…

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