Analysis of the potential for the commercial roll-out of fibre optics in Germany © Photo Credit: -

Analysis of the potential for the commercial roll-out of fibre optics in Germany

In order to fulfil the federal government's gigabit strategy, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) commissioned WIK-Consult to prepare an analysis of the potential for the roll-out of fibre-optic connections on a commercial basis. The results are to be used to create more transparency regarding the commercial roll-out of FTTB/H in order to better assess the need for funding.

The analysis shows that the city states, Saarland and Hesse have a particularly high potential for the commercial roll-out of FTTB/H. Less densely populated federal states such as Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on the other hand, have a lower potential. According to the model, around 91% of all households and companies nationwide can be connected to fibre optic networks on a commercial basis.

The results of the analysis have now also found their way into the funding context and are one element of the catalogue of criteria used to check funding applications for their eligibility. The tool is constantly being developed and updated.

The complete results can be viewed on the BMDV website in an interactive map. The results can also be downloaded as an Excel file at the level of the administrative communities or municipalities.