Individual research results with different focal points
This study presents results from the annual WIK consumer survey on media usage behavior in Germany and discusses the current dynamics in the market…
Based on a sample of 3,254 consumers, thie study examines the use of voice assistants and consumer IoT, as well as consumers' reliance on providers…
To what extent are cadastral data openly available in Germany? This Research Brief provides an overview of the data available, discusses its potential…
What is the market structure of IT services for municipalities? This Research Brief analyzes the portfolio of municipal IT service providers and…
WIK analyzes double-play offers of 105 fixed-network providers with different regional marketing focuses.
Starting from specific use cases, this Research Brief at hand is intended to provide an overview of the areas of application and potentials of AR- and…
What are the general conditions for the digital transformation for more than 11,000 municipalities in Germany? This study describes the market…
The Research Brief examines incentives and challenges in the collaboration of start-ups and SMEs. Critical success factors and the role of…
The sustainability reporting of postal service providers is hardly comparable. The planned expansion of the EU's reporting requirements will oblige…
Growing e-commerce offers opportunities for alternative letter service providers in Germany. The brief study illustrates with case studies which…
Seals and certificates verify the trustworthiness of data processing. A large number of quality marks are on the market in Germany - also for SMEs?
The study focuses on the implementation of artificial intelligence in SMEs. In addition to high-quality data, this requires stringent integration in…