Individual research results with different focal points
This Research Brief highlights current developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The advantages and challenges of AI implementation…
The German-speaking Community in East Belgium (DG) is one of the three language communities in Belgium with 80,000 inhabitants spread across 40,000…
This short paper analyses in more detail the issue of pricing of access to in-building wiring.
This policy brief looks at developments in the debate on termination charges, with a particular focus on the arguments of the stakeholders involved,…
Based on a consumer survey in Germany, the implications of interoperability obligations of number-independent interpersonal communication services…
This research brief presents data from a consumer survey conducted in 2022 on the use of voice assistants and consumer IoT in Germany.
The study examines how prices in Germany have developed in view of the dynamic FTTB/H roll-out, a continuing limited infrastructure competition…
Since around 2018, more and more local authorities in Germany have been equipping their areas and buildings with LoRaWAN wireless technology. The WIK…
An analysis of 7,277 LinkedIn business profiles shows that both SMEs and large companies place little emphasis on positioning as a sustainable…
The shortage of skilled workers in the field of digitalization is a major obstacle to the implementation of digital solutions. An analysis of over…
This short study deals with the question which fibre access network topology is most suitable for the FTTH roll-out from a technical, micro- and…
In some neighboring countries there are established methods of assigning unique fiber access point identifiers which are operated successfully. On the…