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Publication of commissioned projects
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Economic impact of the ePrivacy-Regulation provisions on online advertising and ad-based digital business models

Online advertising and ad-based digital business models at risk?

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More than words

Rich Interaction Applications create a consumers surplus of US$98 billion (INR6.3 lakh crores) in India.

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Competitive situation on the Swiss broadband access market

Ensure competition on the basis of a regulated wholesale product for ultra-broadband access

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Call-by-call and preselection in Germany

The study for the Association of Telecommunication and Value-Added Service Providers (VATM) shows the importance call-by-call and preselection in…

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WIK report discusses new approaches for the fibre rollout in underserved rural areas

Cooperations and wholesale-only networks increase the extent of regions which can be supplied with fibre on a commercial base

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The future of market regulation

Nationwide fiber networks in Germany are necessary for the transformation into the Gigabit society. Adequate frame conditions have to be implemented…

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Reasonable principles as guidance to spectrum auction design

Spectrum auctions should be designed as an efficient bargaining mechanism which fulfils the principles of the Coase Theorem.

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Substantive issues for review in the areas of market entry, management of scarce resources and general end-user issues

Study on market entry, management of scarce resources and telecom specific consumer protection in the internal market in the context of EU-impact…

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Current and future technological access options to all fixed telecommunication infrastructures in the Netherlands

Analysing market 3 and 4 of the EU-market recommendation one has to extrapolate network access development on copper, fibre and coax cables until 2025…

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Evaluation of the broadband initiative bmvit 2015/16

WIK and its Austrian partner WIFO have evaluated the first phase (2015/16) of the Austrian broadband State aid Program. The results of the evaluation…

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Changes in Consumer Behaviour in Germany

German consumers increase their use of OTT services

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Online Platforms in Germany

33 billion Euro revenues and 61,000 employees

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