Publication of commissioned projects
The study for the EU Parliament explore current/emerging business models for OTT services; identifies costs and barriers to European online service…
A WIK-Consult study on behalf of the European Commission states demand and provides proposals for realizing a standardised wholesale access portfolio.
WIK-Consult has supported Ofcom in preparing research for the postal sector. The report compares volumes, consumer prices and competition in the UK…
WIK-Consult has supported Australian regulator ACCC in the context of Australia Post’s draft letter price notification. WIK experts have reviewed AP’s…
WIK-Consult publishes study on Bettertainment and shows how consumer, youth and data protection can be ensured and at the same time positive economic…
The Federation of German Consumer Organisations – vzbv– assigned WIK to a study on the monetary consequences of variable electricity tariffs for…
WIK-Consult publishes study about the role of Call-by-Call and Preselection in the German communications market and its future perspective.
WIK completes review of the Open Internet Codes. Our review finds that the Open Internet Codes in the UK add value over and above the Connected…
The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) commissioned WIK to prepare a study on the reorganisation of metering activities in Switzerland. It serves…
The ACCC has commissioned WIK-Consult to review the costs of the Hunter Valley rail network and to estimate the incremental cost of access holders‘…
ENERGY: Study on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection (State of Baden-Württemberg) and the Ministry for Environment,…
Personal Data and Privacy - WIK-Consult study for Ofcom