Studies© Photo Credit: envfx -


Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of organisational models of metering activities in Swiss distribution grids

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) commissioned WIK to prepare a study on the reorganisation of metering activities in Switzerland. It serves…

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Incremental Costs of ARTC’ Hunter Valley Rail Network

The ACCC has commissioned WIK-Consult to review the costs of the Hunter Valley rail network and to estimate the incremental cost of access holders‘…

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Der flexible Verbraucher - Potenziale zur Lastverlagerung im Haushaltsbereich

ENERGY: Study on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection (State of Baden-Württemberg) and the Ministry for Environment,…

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Personal Data and Privacy

Personal Data and Privacy - WIK-Consult study for Ofcom

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Die IKT-Branche in Hessen

Study published: Die IKT-Branche in Hessen

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The value of network neutrality to European consumers

Study published: The value of Network neutrality to European consumers

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Options of wholesale access to Cable-TV networks with focus on VULA

WIK supported the Dutch NRA ACM in the market analysis according to the new market definition of the European Commission.

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Options of wholesale access to Cable-TV networks with focus on VULA

WIK supported the Dutch NRA ACM in the market analysis according to the new market definition of the European Commission.

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Applications and networks: the chicken or the egg? The role of digital applications in supporting investment and the European economy

WIK study for Microsoft - Applications and networks: the chicken or the egg?

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Ethernet leased lines: a European benchmark

Study for BT - Ethernet leased lines: a European benchmark

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Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 January 2011

BIPT presents postal market study by WIK-Consult, including recommendations for improving postal policy in Belgium

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Analytisches Kostenmodell Breitbandnetz 2.2

Das Referenzdoument zum Analytischen Kostenmodel Breitbandnetz 2.2 wurde editorisch überarbeitet.

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