Publication of commissioned projects
Study published: Die IKT-Branche in Hessen
Study published: The value of Network neutrality to European consumers
WIK supported the Dutch NRA ACM in the market analysis according to the new market definition of the European Commission.
WIK study for Microsoft - Applications and networks: the chicken or the egg?
Study for BT - Ethernet leased lines: a European benchmark
BIPT presents postal market study by WIK-Consult, including recommendations for improving postal policy in Belgium
Das Referenzdoument zum Analytischen Kostenmodel Breitbandnetz 2.2 wurde editorisch überarbeitet.
New WIK study - The economic impact of Internet traffic growth on network operators
Ofcom publishes International Communications Market Report 2014
Analysis of market structures in the Danish broadband market - Study for Danish Business Authority
New WIK Study on the German postal market