Publication of commissioned projects
Ofcom publishes International Communications Market Report 2014
Analysis of market structures in the Danish broadband market - Study for Danish Business Authority
New WIK Study on the German postal market
EU study on e-commerce and parcel delivery services published
Internationale Erfahrungen der ökonomischen Regulierungspraxis im Eisenbahnsektor - Studie für die Bundesnetzagentur
GSR discussion paper published at the General Symposium for Regulators (GSR) of the International Communications Union (ITU)
Study for the European Parliament, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
eGuide for decision makers on behalf of the European Commission has been published
WIK publishes German government study on policies for postal sector growth
Study on behalf of the British regulator Ofcom
WIK-Consult supported Ofcom in the preparation of the report on postal sector developments
Outline of a study for BREKO