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Publication of commissioned projects


Kabelinternet in Deutschland

WIK-Consult hat im Auftrag des Deutschen Kabelverbandes eine Studie zum Thema "Kabelinternet in Deutschland" durchgeführt (only in German)

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The issue of market dominance of Deutsche Bahn AG

Commissioned by Deutsche Bahn AG, WIK-Consult has carried out in September 2006 a study dealing with the market position of Deutsche Bahn AG (in…

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A Review of Certain Markets Included in the Commission's Recommendation on Relevant Markets Subject to ex ante Regulation

The Commission has published a study on relevant markets susceptible to ex ante regulation

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Main Developments in the Postal Sector (2004 - 2006)

WIK-Consult was commissioned by the European Commission, DG Internal Market, to prepare a study on the "Main Developments in the Postal Sector…

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Potenziale alternativer Techniken zur bedarfsgerechten Versorgung mit Breitbandzugängen

WIK-Consult was commissioned by German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) to prepare a study on "Potenziale alternativer Techniken…

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Towards More Flexible Spectrum Regulation

WIK’s study on Spectrum Regulation published

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Towards More Flexible Spectrum Regulation

WIK’s study on Spectrum Regulation published

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The Impact of Abolishing the VAT Exemption for Post Services Provided by Deutsche Post AG

The Impact of Abolishing the VAT Exemption for Post Services Provided by Deutsche Post AG. A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis für the German…

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Evolution of the Regulatory Model for European Postal Services

Evolution of the Regulatory Model for European Postal Services - Study for the European Commission

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Evaluation of the Swiss Postal Market: Impact of Market Opening on Postal Universal Service

Evaluation of the Swiss Postal Market: Impact of Market Opening on Postal Universal Service - Study for the Swiss National Regulatory Authority…

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Analysis of target groups for differentiated information about mobile communicaitons and health

Analysis of target groups for differentiated information

Study prepared for the Bundesamt fü Strahlenschutz (BfS)

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Business models and consistent fee regulation

Study for the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts

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