Publication of commissioned projects
On January 2008, the European Commission has published the results of the study “Comparison of Privacy and Trust Policies in the Area of Electronic…
Next Generation Bitstream Access - Study on NGN bitstream access for the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), Ireland
Cost of the Universal Service Obligation: Review of the Approach of Swiss Post - Study for Swiss Department of Environment, Transport, Energy, and…
Short-Study for Verbands für Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten e.V. (VATM). (only in German language)
Study on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) (only in German)
The Australian Regulatory Authority ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) has published the mobile network cost model which has been…
Legal, Economic & Technical Aspects of 'Collective Use' of Spectrum in the European Community
Study for the European Commission
WIK-Consult hat im Auftrag des Deutschen Kabelverbandes eine Studie zum Thema "Kabelinternet in Deutschland" durchgeführt (only in German)
Commissioned by Deutsche Bahn AG, WIK-Consult has carried out in September 2006 a study dealing with the market position of Deutsche Bahn AG (in…
The Commission has published a study on relevant markets susceptible to ex ante regulation
WIK-Consult was commissioned by the European Commission, DG Internal Market, to prepare a study on the "Main Developments in the Postal Sector…