Studies© Photo Credit: envfx -


Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Digitisation as an enabler for resource efficiency in companies

Study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy - Main Report and brochure with recommendations for action for small and…

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International Postal Service, Remuneration and Regulation

European Commission publish WIK-Consult study on international postal services

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Digital Sovereignty in Europe – a first benchmark

The COVID-19 crisis has not only shown how crucial our ICT infrastructure is, but it has also increased awareness of being dependent on foreign…

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Digital infrastructures of municipal utilities

WIK-Consult analyses status quo and opportunities of municipal utilities for building digital infrastructures.

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Corona and OZG: Stress test for German cities and regions

State of play: Smart cities and smart Regions

More and more cities and regions are recognising the importance of smart applications for greater sustainability and improved living conditions. As…

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Digital Markets Act - Impact Assessment support study

As part of a research consortium, WIK identifies problem areas related to gatekeeper platforms and assesses the impact of the Digital Markets Act.

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Stand der Breitband- und Glasfasererschließung in Bayern

WIK-Studie untersucht Fortschritte beim Breitbandausbau und schätzt die Kosten für eine Vollerschließung mit Glasfaser- und gigabitfähigen Netzen.

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Copper switch-off; European experience and practical considerations

Why and where are copper networks still used in Europe and what can network operators and national authorities learn from countries like Estonia and…

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Studie zur Evaluierung der Auswirkungen einer Erweiterung des Geltungsbereichs der aktuellen Geoblocking Verordnung

WIK-Consult unterstützt die EU Kommission (DG CONNECT) als Teil eines Forschungskonsortiums bei der Abschätzung der Auswirkungen einer möglichen…

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Misleading fibre advertisements in Europe

What’s in the name? Are products advertised as 'fibre' really 100% fibre (hence fibre to the home) or only partly fibre such as fibre to the curb…

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Wholesale only as a model for fiber deployment

WIK report sheds light on different aspects of wholesale-only models with a particular focus on the development in Italy

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Evaluation support study of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation

WIK-Consult supports the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) in the evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and provides…

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