Publication of commissioned projects
More and more cities and regions are recognising the importance of smart applications for greater sustainability and improved living conditions. As…
As part of a research consortium, WIK identifies problem areas related to gatekeeper platforms and assesses the impact of the Digital Markets Act.
WIK-Studie untersucht Fortschritte beim Breitbandausbau und schätzt die Kosten für eine Vollerschließung mit Glasfaser- und gigabitfähigen Netzen.
Why and where are copper networks still used in Europe and what can network operators and national authorities learn from countries like Estonia and…
WIK-Consult unterstützt die EU Kommission (DG CONNECT) als Teil eines Forschungskonsortiums bei der Abschätzung der Auswirkungen einer möglichen…
What’s in the name? Are products advertised as 'fibre' really 100% fibre (hence fibre to the home) or only partly fibre such as fibre to the curb…
WIK report sheds light on different aspects of wholesale-only models with a particular focus on the development in Italy
WIK-Consult supports the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) in the evaluation of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and provides…
WIK-Consult supports the government of the German-speaking Community in their efforts for an area-wide fibre roll-out
Auf Basis eines internationalen Benchmarks leitet das WIK Empfehlungen für die deutsche Telekommunikations- und Digitalisierungspolitik ab.
This study provides an overview of the implementation of broadband state aid measures. Furthermore, the study evaluates to what extent the Broadband…
UK regulator Ofcom has recently published its Online national 2020 report. WIK-Consult has supported this Ofcom publication with extensive research on…