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Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Cost analysis and business cases of a full coverage fibre roll-out in the area of the German-speaking Community in Belgium

WIK-Consult supports the government of the German-speaking Community in their efforts for an area-wide fibre roll-out

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Der deutsche Telekommunikationsmarkt im Vergleich mit internationalen Vorreitern

Auf Basis eines internationalen Benchmarks leitet das WIK Empfehlungen für die deutsche Telekommunikations- und Digitalisierungspolitik ab.

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The role of state aid for the rapid deployment of broadband networks in the EU

This study provides an overview of the implementation of broadband state aid measures. Furthermore, the study evaluates to what extent the Broadband…

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Online Interpersonal Communications Services in the UK

UK regulator Ofcom has recently published its Online national 2020 report. WIK-Consult has supported this Ofcom publication with extensive research on…

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Future electronic communications product and service markets subject to ex-ante regulation

WIK report on relevant markets for European Commission published.

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The 450 MHz frequency as a forerunner of the energy transition

vehicles, the energy transition requires a reliable telecommunications infrastructure. The article examines why a radio solution based on the 450MHz…

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Moving to a fibre-enabled UK

WIK prepares report on behalf of the Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG)

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Copper switch-off, fibre take-up and ULL tarifs in France

France is on its way migrating from copper to a fibre access network. WIK analyses how this migration can be supported and speeded-up by price setting…

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Maintaining Rural Retail Networks: Best Practices Abroad and their Implications for the U.S. Postal Service

How to maintain rural retail networks? USPS Office of the Inspector General publishes white paper on “maintaining rural retail networks”. The white…

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Supporting the implementation of CEF2 Digital

Supporting the European Commission in scoping the required budget needed to meet the actions identified under CEF Digital

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Competition and investment in the Danish broadband market

WIK conducts study on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency.

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WIK publishes study on the Danish Telecommunications market in the year 2030

WIK study on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency analyzes trends in the telecom sector over the coming 10 years.

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