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Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Abschaltung der Kupferanschlussnetze und Migration zu FTTH-Netzen, ein europäischer Vergleich

Warum hinkt Europa bei der Abschaltung der Kupferanschlussnetze (und dem Umstieg auf FTTH) hinterher?

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Innovative functions create additional value for consumers

Local applications like Zalo, BeeTalk and VietTalk as well as WeChat and WhatsApp add US$6.4 billion of consumer surplus in Vietnam and drive local…

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Efficiency of Australian Rail Track Corporation’s Operating Expenditures

WIK-Consult study supports ACCC’s compliance assessment in the Hunter Valley Rail Network

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Development of Cross-border E-commerce through Parcel Delivery

WIK presents results and recommendations of a study on cross-border e-commerce and delivery services in Europe

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Measure for cost-reducing and efficiency-increasing civil works in context of FTTB/H roll out

WIK analyses the German civil works market and identifies the causes for capacity bottlenecks and delays. Thereof, WIK derives recommendations for the…

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Framework for the Gigabit world 2025 +

WIK identifies the requirements of the gigabit world 2025+ on competition policy and regulation.

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Study on the implementation and monitoring of measures under the Cost Reduction Directive

Cost Reduction Directive can bring benefits in broadband deployment.

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Ups, I texted again

Germans use three to four messenger services side-by-side and send almost three quarters of their texts, pictures and Videos online

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Consumer pain point service quality

Around 2.2 million unnecessary leave days due to failed service appointments

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Open Data in the EU

The public sector produces enormous quantities of data that forms valuable raw material for a data-based economy in Europe. The review of the…

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Analytical Cost Model for the Subscriber Access Network – Consultation document published by the Federal Network Agency

WIK provided a consultation draft for the enhanced analytical access network cost model. The consultation document and the corresponding questions are…

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Emerging issues of data ownership, interoperability, (re-)usability and access to data, and liability

New study identifies significant barriers to the development of the data economy and the use of IoT, robots and autonomous Systems.

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