Publication of commissioned projects
WIK develops a market model to forecast the take-up of NBN services until 2024 under different wholesale pricing scenarios and estimates the GDP…
WIK study examines the dual media system in Germany and develops proposals for a reorientation.
New strategies are required to survive the fierce competition for viewers.
Is the end of OTT-services growth phase near? How can OTT providers monetise their services?
450 MHz as opportunity for the energy transition: BMWi publishes report on the tele-communication infrastructure for the digitalisation of the energy…
More and more consumers use voice assistants. But will this trend continue? WIK and Hochschule Fresenius – University of Applied Science take a closer…
Despite substantial changes in the technology and services landscape, there is no case for significant changes to the rules applying to international…
WIK supports German NRA in the analysis of market 3a and b
A survey conducted by WIK among experts in artificial intelligence (AI) reveals the opportunities and challenges that arise when implementing AI…
The study assesses the performance of the European delivery markets in connection with cross-border e-commerce.
Warum hinkt Europa bei der Abschaltung der Kupferanschlussnetze (und dem Umstieg auf FTTH) hinterher?