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Publication of commissioned projects
(often also with a link to the client's website)


Margin squeeze models for ADSL, VDSL, Cable and Fibre

WIK-Consult has developed Margin Squeeze Models for the Belgium telecommunications regulator (BIPT).

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Completing the Internal Market for Parcel Delivery and E-Commerce-State of Play and Possible Reforms

European Parliament publishes report by Alex Dieke

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Development of parcel delivery cost in Deutsche Post AG

Study by WIK-Consult analyses cost recovery for Deutsche Post’s business parcels. The study concludes that internal transfer prices for business…

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Network Sharing in mobile networks and fixed mobile network convergence in Switzerland

Network sharing in mobile networks can save cost and can reduce market asymmetries, but also includes regulatory risk

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Support for the Framework review Impact Assessment

WIK study published by the European Commission - Contribution of reforms nearly € 1 bn by 2025

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Access and investment

Study by WIK and its Partners now published by the European Commission

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Study on regional telecom operators competing with global players published

Regional operators play an important in the roll-out of broadband infrastructure in Germany. In order to maintain this role they need constant…

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The impact of Internet platforms in Germany

The revenue of Internet platforms in Germany sums up to more than €33bn. Their impact is significantly larger though.

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Analytical cost model for the broadband network

WIK improved its fixed network broadband cost model by adding BNG (Broadband Network Gateways) node at the access to the core IP-network and by a…

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Copper ULL pricing in front of decreasing demand and Migration to NGA

WIK-study about appropriate Copper ULL pricing in France: Price increases are not adequate for fostering broadband roll-out. The study analyses and…

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Market and usage analysis of high bit rate telecommunications services for SME in Germany

SMEs do not yet completely capture the extensive potential of digitalization and will risk their competitiveness

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Ökonomie und Kostenstrukturen des Glasfaserausbaus

Paper prepared in the context of the study "Market and usage analysis of high bit rate telecommunications services for SME in Germany" for the German…

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