Publication of commissioned projects
WIK report examines how to further the spread of gigabit networks in Germany with appropriate measures.
WIK conducted a study funded by the EU-Commission on the implications of SDN and NFV on the future telecommunication landscape in collaboration with…
Applications such as Skype and WhatsApp have become very popular with consumers. We find that for each 10% increase in usage of These applications a…
WIK abstracts reference for infrastructure access from 5 leading countries
WIK-Consult supports USPS Office of Inspector General in a study on the relevance and profitability of international posts' mail operations
WIK forecasts the potential demand for very high bandwidth in 2025.
WIK supports USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) with a review of international trends in postal price regulation. OIG has published WIK report as…
Digitisation strongly affects postal markets in the Netherlands. This study by WIK-Consult analyses the Dutch postal market today, identifies future…
WIK Report on the general productivity factor in consultation.
Ofcom has published its annual report on the development in international communications markets (television, telecoms, broadcasting and postal…
The European Commission is examining barriers to the free flow of data. A consortium composed of Deloitte, WIK-Consult, Open Evidence, OpenForum…
WIK-Consult has developed Margin Squeeze Models for the Belgium telecommunications regulator (BIPT).