Publication of commissioned projects
WIK-Consult shows significant CO2 savings when Europe allocates the full 6 GHz spectrum to WiFi 6/ 6E or future 7 network use rather than restricting…
Updating the Swiss High-Broadband strategy the work focusses on underserved areas with speeds below 1 Gbps. WIK supports the considerations of state…
The aim of the study was to gain reliable insights into the most suitable indicators for measuring environmental impacts (according to the climate and…
BIPT publishes comprehensive WIK study on the state and evolution of e-commerce, delivery markets and last-mile sustainability issues.
As part of its work for the Federal initiative Stadt.Land.Digital, WIK-Consult provides an overview an overview of relevant and discussed topics of…
Review and analysis of Articles 3 to 6 of the Open Internet Regulation (OIR) on ensuring open Internet access and fair and non-discriminatory…
This study on behalf of BEREC examines technical developments in mobile connectivity, implications for the value chain and the possible roles that…
The study how the federal government could fund the press industry in the most targeted way. It specifically discusses whether it is effective to…
An evaluation of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive, the development and impact assessment of policy options for the revision of the Directive.
The study results are based on a survey among employees from Mittelstand-Digital Zentren which are actively exchanging with numerous small and…
The WIK study commissioned by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) examines the importance of cloud services (offered in particular by…
Federal Network Agency publishes results of a study by WIK-Consult and Spectos